A Dot Com

Dear readers, Indonesian Travel Bloggers has moved to a dot com. From now on please visit travelbloggersindonesia.com to receive updates from the community. Thank you.

Ervina Talalu

nou22femme.wordpress.com Traveler. Nature lover. Teacher. Blogger. Facebook: Ervina Talalu Twitter: @femy_femme


yogyafeats.wordpress.com Featuring Your Yogyakarta YogyaFeats is a compilation of cultural and travel features reports on Yogyakarta — one of Indonesia’s most visited tourist destinations — and its surrounding areas. Most of the articles in this… Continue reading

Visit Sekongkang

visitsekongkang.com Sekongkang Bawah Village is located in Sekongkang, West Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Here in this peaceful little village we found so many beautiful natural objects we haven’t found anywhere else before.… Continue reading

Wesa Jelajah Indonesia

wesajelajahindonesia.blogspot.com Jelajah Indonesia yuks! Lihat dan hargai keanekaragaman budaya Indonesia, temukan betapa indahnya Indonesia dan ceritakan kepada dunia! Ya, itu kalimat pembuka blog yang baru saya tekuni sejak kuartal ke-4 2011 lalu. Pertama… Continue reading

Jalan2 Liburan

jalan2liburan.com Jalan2Liburan.com is our travel diaries. We are a mixed couple: Mr. Husband is from Belgium and Mrs. Wife is proudly Indonesian. Traveling is our passion more than having a luxurious sports car or… Continue reading


lostpacker.blogspot.com I’m Lostpacker. Lost, Shoot, and Share. Perasaan terbahagia dalam hidup saya adalah ketika melakukan perjalanan dan tersesat. Dari situ saya banyak menemukan hal-hal yang luar biasa. Suka sekali dengan pantai sepi yang… Continue reading

Haryadi Wijaya

haryadiwijaya.blogspot.com Living in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Mostly interested in art & cultural documentary, landscape, and human interest. Not limiting self to also learn about other genres of photography, because all need to be… Continue reading

Mixed Up Already

mixedupalready.com My name is Timothy from Jakarta, Indonesia; and I’m still new with this blogging stuff. Lol Recently I have another hobby, which is travelling, and also writing. I actually wrote about my… Continue reading

Eating and Moving

eatingandmoving.tumblr.com Currently on the move travelling the archipelago that is Indonesia. I am intrigued by local customs, cultures, traditions that are passed down for generations, ancient history, ruin sites, lighthouses, hand crafted goods… Continue reading